Vladivostok Buddhist Center

Our center was established in 1992 and operates under the spiritual guidance of Lama Ole Nydahl. The head of the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism is His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje. The Center is a member of the Centralized Religious Organization Russian Association of Buddhists of the Diamond Way of the Karma Kagyu Tradition. Centers, groups and communities of practitioners exist in the settlements of Russia and function on a voluntary basis. Maintaining friendly relations with other Buddhist organizations, the Association participates in joint religious events, celebrations, celebrations dedicated to religious and national holidays.

The Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism belongs to the level of the Diamond Way (Skt. Vajrayana). It developed in the 11th-12th centuries. in India and Tibet. Among the early masters of this tradition, the most famous are Saraha, Tilopa, Naropa, Maitripa (India, VIII-XI centuries), Marpa, Milarepa, Gampopa (Tibet, XI-XII centuries). The task of the Diamond Way Buddhist centers is to develop the potential of the mind with the help of the methods of the Buddha and to preserve the richest heritage of Tibetan Buddhism.

The goal of the Buddha's Teaching is to achieve Enlightenment, or Buddhahood, that is, the full development of the original potential of the body, speech and mind for the benefit of all beings. The Buddha taught about reality as absolute and conditioned. Through the methods he passed on, Buddhism is a tool to change the quality of a person's daily life. The teaching opens up the possibility for the practitioner to experience permanent happiness.

The methods by which the goal is achieved are based on the study of Buddhist philosophy, which explains how the world is, how the human mind works, what is the cause of suffering and how to eliminate it; meditation, i.e. practical exercises through which theory is transformed into direct experience; and a way of life, or a way of maintaining the achieved level of development of the mind.

On the territory of the Buddhist Center, there is the only statue of Buddha Amoghasiddhi in the Far East (translated from Sanskrit as “Mighty Conqueror”). Buddha Amoghasiddhi grants everyone protection, strength and perseverance to achieve success in all matters that benefit beings. According to Buddhist traditions, it is customary to go around the statues clockwise, making positive wishes and reciting mantras. There is a small square around the statue, where everyone can feel the beauty and blessing of this place. The statue and the square are open for free visiting.

Priority project

Friends, the center and the square of the Buddha Amoghasiddhi are maintained and developed by voluntary donations from Buddhists and sympathizers. Thanks for your help and generosity!

Center schedule

  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
16th Karmapa meditation 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 14:00
Introduction into Buddhism   19:00          
16th Karmapa meditation Mon 20:00
Tue 20:00
Wed 20:00
Thu 20:00
Fri 20:00
Sat 20:00
Sun 14:00
Introduction into Buddhism Tue 19:00


Vladivostok, ulitsa Derzhavina, 3

Address: Vladivostok, ulitsa Derzhavina, 3
Phone: +7 (423) 2-455-155